Measure Your Lawn IN Lewes, DE

Measure Your Lawn the Service Is Free No Obligations

We Offer A link to a Website Which allows you to Measure your own lawn Via The satellite. Some Newer Homes are not Pictured. Also Wooden Lots can be Difficult to see. This service is Free and there is no Obligation.

Take the Fallowing Steps!
  1. Copy and paste website below into your browser
  2. Type in your address (you will see your home via satellite
  3. Zoom in and click on clear markers steps 4-6 remove the house from area measured
  4. Start by clicking on corners of the corner where the street and driveway meet
  5. The next click should be where the driveway meets the service walk
  6. Continue to click on corners around the house and back down driveway to the street
  7. Now click around along curb line to property line
  8. Click along property line around the house and back to the street
  9. The area measured shows up as shaded
  10. Come back to our site click on pricing tab to see what your cost is per year for either BASIC OR ELITE AND ELITE PLUS PROGRAM

Have fun just click clear markers and start over when you need to. Copy and paste the web address below to your URL box.